
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Secret Santa - Gift #1

This coming Monday starts a week of "Secret Santa" gift giving for my Kindergarten team.  I hate shopping after school so of course I waited till this weekend to go shopping for all five gifts.  I loved making them though!

To decide who would be buying for who our team filled out a piece of paper with our interests and put it in a bag.  I pulled a teaching assistant and she was super easy to buy for!  She said she likes Dr. Pepper, dark chocolate, chocolate with nuts, the color red, adult beverages, and few other things I wasn't sure how to incorporate.

Here's what I came up with (with the help of Pinterest, of course) for Monday's gift.

Aren't they cute?!  It turned out a lot better than excepted.  At first, I was going to make a Dr. Pepper can cake, but when I got to the store and started looking for things to put it together I realized I'm not that crafty.  So I went with the second best option.  Dr. Pepper Reindeer!

To make this all you need is the following:
- 6 pack of bottled drinks
- 12 brown pipe cleaners  
- 12 medium sized googly eyes
- 1 square of red felt or red pom poms
- Christmas ribbon

I have other gifts already made but I decided this would be a good gift for Monday.  Teaching is exhausting...especially this close to Christmas! She'll have all week to drink these caffeinated drinks to keep her going.  

Stay tuned for Secret Santa gift #2! 


  1. Did you hot glue the eyes and noses on or were they self adhesive?

  2. I just used Elmers Glue, since that's all I had on hand at the time, but hot glue would probably be the best thing to use. If you can find adhesive eyes I'm sure that would also work well. The downside to using Elmers glue was that the eyes would slide/drip down with the glue and I would have to readjust until fully dried.

  3. Omg I just loved this,,,gonna use it this yr for my funny secret Santa


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