1) My school district opened 3 new elementary schools this year! I chose to stay at my current school, which was cut in almost half in size. Because of the big downsize, I got to move down the hall to a bigger classroom! My room is about double the size of my old one. However, the downside to having a big room is you have room for more students. I am now a teacher of 26...with more seats to fill. Here are a few pictures of my jungle classroom. Enjoy!
A large drip pan with large magnetic foam letters made for an easy beginning of the year door! I was busy moving and organized the room and didn't have time to do a detailed door. So this was perfect. Simple. Easy. and Cute!
This is the bathroom door and sink. I've since added their pictures to the jungle birthday chart. I get a lot of compliments on chart...and it was FREE on Tpt! If you would like to grab a copy, you can find it here. I also used bathroom reminder posters behind the sink to make the area look a little brighter. The posters can also be found on TpT but you have to purchase them for $3.25. They can be found here.
I LOVE my reading center. I like how cozy it feels with the plants and lamps. I have pillows at home that I need to bring in that are in giraffe and monkey print.
Here is my handsome husband. As you can see, he was thrilled to be helping me set everything up.
I'm trying out a new clip chart system this year! In years past, my clip chart only moved down. Now the kiddos can clip up and earn stickers on their clips when they reach pink. When they get to pink 5 times and have 5 stickers on their clip they earn a yellow clip. If they earn 5 more stickers they get a blue clip. If they do it yet again, they earn a glitter clip! It really motivates them to do their best. You can do any clip color you choose, but I'm doing yellow and blue since those are our school colors.
There are a ton of new things I'm trying out this year. I've included a few in this post but will be including a few other new tricks and tips in future posts. So stay tuned!